I find reasons to change my setup about twice a year.
I've has Mezzmo for 3 years, so I've probably changed things 6 times.
My most important piece of metadata is the PlayCount against movies - particularly TV series.
I have never successfully changed my system without losing its values.

I'm getting lots of non-zero entries in the field, and I wanted to move my Mezzmo database - called 'Mezzmo'. So I recently I made a serious attempt to retain the PlayCount.

Using Mezzmo I checked the location of the database.
I copied it to its new location. The process took about 45 minutes.
I knew of a tutorial describing how to do the move, and I then went to view it.
PROBLEM: The process to move the database insists that changing the location setting, in Tools/Options, demands that it also copies the database from its current location to the new one.
I couldn't see a way of changing the parameter without copying the database.
But I'd already waited for 45 minutes while Windows did it.
**** Suggest that the tutorial should describe how to avoid this ****
So I devised a workaround.
In my new location, I renamed the database as 'Mezzmo Temp'.
I created a new empty folder called 'Mezzmo'.
I deleted the contents of my currently-used database (Folder 'Mezzmo' in my 'old' location).
I pointed Mezzmo at the new 'Mezzmo' database - thus copying the 'current (empty) database into the new 'Mezzmo' folder.
I then moved the contents of 'Mezzmo Temp' into the new 'Mezzmo' folder. So Mezzmo was pointing at my full, correct database.
I went to the TV and, lo and behold, the media was displayed correctly.
The Display Titles were as per my required, modified parameters. But
PROBLEM: **** All of my Playcounts were zero (( ****
Can you explain what might have caused it, and whether there's any chance of getting them back?
(Stupidly I deleted my only database backup during this process, so my hopes aren't high.