Yes, we are very familiar with Windows blue screen crashes. It was probably some system glitch that hasn't happened since.

What does the Transcoding folder contain? It appears to be most of the stuff we have been creating over the past week+. Do we rely on Windows backup for backups of this data if our System Disk C bites the dust? I think I'll make a copy just for some peace of mind.

So far we have pre-transcoded 270 of 600 video files. The only issue we have seen is a few files that were in the queued list did not successfully complete the transcoding. The Transcoding tab was empty. There was no failure indicated. When we try and select the file for pre-transcoding, Mezzmo says the file has been added to the list, but it doesn't show up in the queue. We have selected "Pre-transcode all files" and we checked the box, "Pre-transcode files even if they match the devices supported formats". We are skipping these files for now, and when we complete the 1st pass, we will clear the temporary transcoding folder and try them again.

Yes, we would really appreciate the Matroska transcoding Profile. Look for my email.