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Thread: Option to ignore a movie file from the library

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Williamston, MI

    Default Option to ignore a movie file from the library

    I have all of my movie and tv show files in one folder. Many times I have 2 files for the same movie, a standard definition file and a hi definition file. I have several media players that only use external hard disks, and a smaller sized file that is played on a small screen is ideal for some of my situations. Having all the files in one location makes maintenence easier, knowing what I have and what I need all in one place.

    This causes a problem with maintaining the Mezzmo library for my PS3. I have deleted the smaller files from the library but they are added back into the library during library updates. Perhaps if I could "Ignore" the smaller file in the Mezzmo library then I could customize the library and have my PS3 only see the files I want it to see, the hi-def files. Anyone have thoughts on this situation?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Melbourne, Australia


    You could create a smart playlist and set one of criteria "file size" to be larger than a certain number (e.g. 1 GB) - that would sort out most lower-def files.

    Mezzmo Android: Install it on your tablet, smartphone, Android TV or Amazon Fire to browse and stream files from your Mezzmo library to all your devices. Full details at
    Mezzmo for Kodi Add-on: Install it into Kodi to stream files from your Mezzmo library directly in Kodi. Full details at
    Mezzmo for Roku App: Install it onto your Roku to stream files from your Mezzmo library. Full details at
    Wiki: User Guides & Reference Manual at

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Williamston, MI


    I think I have it resolved, after reading about playlists, what they are and why they are. Essentially, I created a new playlist and added all the movies that I want the PS3 to see. A file size criteria doesn't work well as I have many standard and hi def files that overlap any criteria I set. So a simple playlist works and I manually add files from the library to that playlist.

    Since I want the PS3 to only see this playlist I then modified the sharing permissions of both the library and the PS3 playlist so that the PS3 does not see the main library and only sees the PS3 playlist. I can then use this same strategy to create a childs' PS3 playlist and add only the movies that I want the children to see, and then modify the sharing permissions accordingly. This then would create specific "libraries" for a specific set of viewers.

    So I guess my subject of "Ignoring a Movie File" has already been answered but in a manner that I was not thinking of. This does do exactly what I need. Sorry to take up your time for a very beginner's type of question. I definitely need to read more about all the different features and understand what they can do.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Melbourne, Australia


    I'm glad you've sorted it out - using normal playlists works of course, the only downside is that files won't appear in them automatically (as compared to a smart playlist), but if there's no definite criteria to sort out the files, then your approach is great. Perhaps it'll help others in search of organizing their libraries as well, so thanks for sharing!

    Mezzmo Android: Install it on your tablet, smartphone, Android TV or Amazon Fire to browse and stream files from your Mezzmo library to all your devices. Full details at
    Mezzmo for Kodi Add-on: Install it into Kodi to stream files from your Mezzmo library directly in Kodi. Full details at
    Mezzmo for Roku App: Install it onto your Roku to stream files from your Mezzmo library. Full details at
    Wiki: User Guides & Reference Manual at

  5. #5


    How are your files named?

    I'm sure the hi-def have something different like "HD" in the file name... If so, you could create a smart playlist that has the criteria 'file name' 'contains' 'HD'.

    Many other options to play with rather than doing it manually.

  6. #6


    or 'file name' 'contains' 'PS3'

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Williamston, MI


    I do have "_HD" added to all of my HD files so that is an excellent idea. Since my original post I have rethought what I want to do. I am adding 2 more PS3s to my network and these will have libraries taylored to the viewing audience (Kids, Young Adults). This will be something that I will have to live with for a long time. So I have to really analyze my options and then experiment to see how it works.

    As for "PS3" naming, I transcode all my movie files to make them compatible with my WD HD media players. These are older versions that cannot be networked. All resultant files also play fine on the PS3 without transcoding. So no need for that naming requirement.

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