I've added a few tweaks Mezzmo Artwork Checker and have posted version1.0.2 .


- Added an actor no match file output for CSV exports. This CSV file will contain
a listing of all actors / actresses which do not have a Poster or UserPoster
artwork file.
- Changed CSV output file names by appending the hour/minute/second that the CSV
export was done. This will allow keeping of CSV files for historical purposes
vs. overwriting them each time.


- Fixed performance issue with Poster file scanning due to missing database index
- Changed poster and UserPoster scanning to look for additions during scan vs.
deleting all files and adding them during scanning
- actorArtwork dateAdded field is now the last time the record was updated or
the date/time the Mezzmo actor was added, if no updates have occurred.

If you don't want to run this against your production Mezzmo database you can stop your Mezzmo server and GUI.
Then copy the Mezzmo.db file off to another location and update the Mezzmo Artwork checker configuration file
to this backup copy. It isn't necessary but is an other option for running the checker.

With the performance enhancements in version 1.0.1 I am seeing it take less than 15 seconds to analyze 2,200+
UserPoster files, 48,000+ Poster files and 68,000+ Mezzmo records including generating the CSV files.

The actor no match CSV file is a quick way to see which actors / actresses do not have corresponding artwork.
I may investigate adding an off-line scraping capability for these actor no matches which would create
UserPoster files if it can find images. This is a potential future feature for now since there are many image
scrapers already.

