Yes, will check it. First I need to add this huge HDD to the Mezzmo server.
That will take damn long I think..

I have a question:

In the Kodi forum you said "My recommendation for metadata and artwork is to let Mezzmo scrape the metada and let it use your local artwork."
How exactly do you mean that? Do you mean I should scan them to my library by using the exported Kodi files (artwork + .nfo), and then after that let the scraper overwrite only the metadata in "Maintain Library"?

I am guessing you mean:
1. Add my media to Library
2. Let it scrape everything, by using the exported Kodi library (exported as single files jpg and nfo, placed in the same folder as the video files)
3. Go to Maintain Library and select there "Update information about media files in your Mezzmo library" > unckeck there everything except "Video files" and "Update media properties and metadata".

And what would I have to choose in the setting "Choose to update all attributes or only empty attributes"?
I am guessing it should be set to "Update all attributes", because the Kodi .nfo already added many things.

Also you said: "Mezzmo also has a lock feature where once you get the metadata / artwork how you want to you can lock it so that it won't be changed. This is a cool feature. It's at the top of the metadata editor there is a lock symbol for locked or unlocked."

But is there a bulk-locking?
Because I really can't do this with hundreds of files, each one by one..