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Thread: How do I force the Mezzmo Kodi-plugin to build itself into the Kodi DB?

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Undertaker555 View Post
    I will once again do all from scratch.
    But first I will do a proper export from Kodi. Sadly in the current export something is wrong.
    This is not a good basis for using Mezzmo, because it could lead to problems, and I would falsely search for fixes in Mezzmo, when actually my export is the problem.

    About that dynamic thumbnail, I understood it like that I need to add a folder.jpg in each Season, but that would be by far too much work.
    Already one .jpg in each Series will take much time, especially since it has to be done manually. But for Series it is still ok.

    But anyway.. it should give some kind of setting about that..
    Placing a .jpg into each folder should not be the only solution..
    Ok. As you go through it again, let's try and capture which thumbnail are changing and what was done when they changed. Note on imported folders those should generally be static unless you add content at the top of the folder based upon sort sequence (i.e. if it is alphabetical it might change if you add something lower in the alphabet). The folder.jpg or Get Picture is a fix for this.

    For smart playlists and active playlists they adjust their folder thumbnails based upon their dynamic content which makes sense. Again, this can be set static by a get picture.

    If you have actual content changing thumbnails (i.e. for movies and episodes, then please indicate what happened prior to that). Generally that shouldn't change.

    Also, I would recommend deleting the actor dynamic playlist. I believe that will address the backdrop item you saw with actors. If you let me know which version of Kodi you are running, I can have an updated version of the addon for the season 0 stuff later today.

    One of the things I've learned working with other Kodi users is that by the time they realize the challenges of managing Kodi sharing across clients their libraries have grown large and they have a lot of customization in their environments. So replicating that again is a task but the thought of continuing it on, with all the maintenance overhead, will be even more work over the long run. Mezzmo takes a little bit of work getting setup but I found once I got it how I want, the maintaining my library work is minimal.

    Last edited by jbinkley60; 04-27-2022 at 07:16 PM.

  2. #32


    Before I answer anything, I really will concentrate on creating a good export.
    I realized that I really didn't follow the best of structures norms.
    What I had was just barely ok for Kodi, but everything else beyond that makes problems.

    So before I post dozens of problems in Mezzmo, I better first fix my structures

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Undertaker555 View Post
    Before I answer anything, I really will concentrate on creating a good export.
    I realized that I really didn't follow the best of structures norms.
    What I had was just barely ok for Kodi, but everything else beyond that makes problems.

    So before I post dozens of problems in Mezzmo, I better first fix my structures
    Ok. Let me know if I an help. I am not a Kodi export expert but do have methods I use with Mezzmo to make things easy long term. I do have an updated version of the Mezzmo addon for Kodi 19 I am finishing testing which has the option for category matching or season/episode. I should be done testing in another hour or two.


  4. #34


    Yes, thank you!
    I am making progress with my export.
    Soon I can try importing this new exported library, or better to say my completely new structure.

    Let's see how this will change things.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Undertaker555 View Post
    Yes, thank you!
    I am making progress with my export.
    Soon I can try importing this new exported library, or better to say my completely new structure.

    Let's see how this will change things.
    Here's a link to the Kodi 19 test release. It the addon settings under Content Control called Add TV Episodes to Kodi DB, change it to Category to match TV shows by category vs. Season & Episode. I set some of my TV episodes to Season 0 and episode 0 and they went into the Kodi DB episodes table vs. Movies table.


  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    I had to pull the test release. I found a problem I am working on.


  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Ok. The issue is fixed and all testing is good. Here's the link. I actually found a few episodes in my library that were season 0 / episode 0 that had previously been classified as movies. Don't forget to change the addon setting to Category.


  8. #38


    Awesome! Will try that tomorrow, because sadly again my structure is not good. The small HDD is ready, but I messed the big one up by exporting without creating thumbnails before...

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Undertaker555 View Post
    Awesome! Will try that tomorrow, because sadly again my structure is not good. The small HDD is ready, but I messed the big one up by exporting without creating thumbnails before...
    Ok. I am testing the Kodi 18 version now. One good thing that will come out of this is that Mezzmo will help you get things organized better. I use it to help me keep an eye on things and quickly identify things which need attention.


  10. #40
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    So testing on the Kodi 18 version looks good. I am noticing one side effect of using the category matching. The addon matches on three pieces of information for TV show uniqueness: the series name, the season and the episode. That's how it tells the episodes apart. So if you have a TV series and there are two episodes that have the the season and episode both at 0 the addon will only insert the first one it sees in the episodes table into the Kodi DB and mark the other as a duplicate. This limitation does not exist in the movies table because the matching there is by name. The easy solution is increment the episode number to distinguish them, which would also work in the original method. I'll look to see how difficult it would be to add a fourth match to episodes (name) but I suspect that will be a bit of work and could mess up some other parsing logic.


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