An updated version of the Mezzmo Trailer Checker (v0.0.11) has been uploaded to GitHub. This new
version has a minor enhancements. Testing is underway for supporting IMDB local trailers and if it
goes well should be available in the next release.

The "clean files" feature in this release can help reduce disk clutter and makes it easy to delete local
trailer files when you've removed a movie from your Mezzmo library and you are running local trailers.
You don't need to run it all the time and not after you delete each movie. Just run it periodically to
help keep things clean.

v0.0.11 fixes and features:

• Added "clean files" and "show files" commands to display and delete orphaned
trailer files which do not have a Mezzmo trailer entry in the Mezzmo library
• Added IMDB movie numbers to the mTrailers table to prepare for upcoming
support for local IMDB trailers
• Added commit to trailer database after each 500 checks during large full
library trailer database checks

To get started please review the Getting Started page on the Wiki. The current version of the Mezzmo Trailer Checker is v0.0.11 can be downloaded here.

It is highly recommended to do a backup of your Mezzmo database before using the tool and the Mezzmo GUI and server service need
to be stopped in order for it the checker to write to the Mezzmo database. This is a protection mechanism to ensure just one application is writing
to the Mezzmo database at a time.

The release notes for the various releases can be found here.

I added a couple of Wiki pages with step-by step instructions and screenshots on how to use the Mezzmo Trailer Checker with Mezzmo to automatically
add local trailers and how to edit / update them. I hope you will find these very helpful. I have begun an FAQ Wiki page (Frequently Asked Questions) with
some of the most common questions related to running the tool with Mezzmo. The FAQ has a number of Kodi specific questions.

The tool has been working very well for me, especially since the fixes in v0.0.3. I find myself watching more movies in my Mezzmo / Kodi library due to the
the Mezzmo Movie Previews feature and local trailers I have Mezzmo Movie Previews set to 3 previews. Now I get 3 random trailers from the release year
of the movie which haven't been watched in my library, then the main movie starts. It's an almost movie theater-like experience..

Questions and feedback are welcome.


Mezzmo Trailer Checker wiki page