I am a long time Tversity user looking to move to Mezzmo. My end points are a Netgear NEO-55O and a Netgear EVA-9150 Digital Entertainer Elite. I tried using the predefiend device profiles and found some things missing like DTS support and such but now have everyhting working great for video files including m2ts, VOB, MKV and WMV, my primary video types. I've now started working on audio. With Tversity I have it setup to force transcode my lossless WMA library to mp3 for my Netgear devices (since they don't support lossless WMA). I haven't been able to figure out the exact definitions in the Mezzmo device profile setup to do this and I can't find a document anywhere for adding or editing an existing device profile.

Here's what I am looking for in the device profile:

mp3 - Stream natively up to 320kbs
WMA - transcode into mp3
WAV - transcode int mp3

Thanks in advance. If I can get this working I plan to purhcase Mezzmo. I really like the playlist management and overall library flexibilty features.