About a week ago I deleted and reinstalled Mezzmo Windows. My USB drive containing my database and transcoded files got disconnected and I didn't know it was the problem. After the reinstallation, I discovered and fixed that problem. Everything worked fine until now. When I boot my PC I get notices that attempts by various devices on my network to connect to the server have been allowed, but the devices never show up in the device list. I am able to play music from the PC server (I haven't tried video, yet) on some devices but not all. Some Android devices on the list can play music from the PC server and some can't. One Android device not shown on the list can also play from the PC server. Every device not on the list that attempts to play, whether or not successful, prompts an "attempt to connect allowed" notification. One Android phone on the list worked for a while and now won't play music from the PC server; it moves from one playlist song to the next without playing any. I tried deleting it from the list hoping I could add it again. It prompts all sorts of "attempt to connect allowed" notifications, but cannot be re-added to the list.

Can you help with this situation?