Quote Originally Posted by Peter View Post
Can you please enable diagnostic logging http://www.mezzmo.com/wiki/doku.php?id=using_logging&s[]=diagnostic then after restarting your Mezzmo media server try repeating this by streaming an R video to the pg device then send us the logs so we can investigate what is happening.
Hi again looks like its working now tried on all tvs and works. Not shore why it was not working before must of been somthing i was doing. ONE think tho i still would like to lock out the devices accept the device they are using eg there app (tablet or phone) and there tv in there own room. I can just see my younger kids sending a (g) or (pg) to my older kids tv with a rating or (r) just to annoy them. Eg if my 18yo is watching a move and one of the younger kid sends a lower rating to the 18yo tv using there tablet or phone it will play on there tv stoping the move they are watching i can see a fight happening lol.
