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Thread: 2.6.2 much slower than 2.5 in realtime transcoding, skipping frames

  1. #1

    Default 2.6.2 much slower than 2.5 in realtime transcoding, skipping frames


    before purchasing Mezzmo, I did extensive testing with 2.5 to assure that my devices were working fine with it. Amongst various files, I used in particular a 11 Gbytes MKV movie file (1080p). Now, with 2.5, playback with realtime transcoding was always very smooth. In 2.6.2, it skips frames like there is no tomorrow. It looks like all these 1080p large files started skipping.
    Note that I have a Core i7-860 overclocked at 4 GHz (I increased overclocking to test, before I was running at 3.7), with 8 Gbytes of ram and Windows 7 64 bits. All devices are connected to Gigabit network - the MKV file is located on a NAS device on the network as well (QNAP TS-239 PRO II - about 95 Mbytes/sec sustained).

    Has anyone else experienced issues with 2.6.2 being much slower than 2.5 in realtime transcoding?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Melbourne, Australia


    We'll take a look at this for you. Please turn on logging (see and restart your Mezzmo server. Stream one of the MKV files to your TV. After it starts skipping/stuttering, stop your Mezzmo server and exit Mezzmo. Zip up the logs and send them to us at support [at] conceiva [dot] com. Also, in your email to us, include (i) the DLNA device you have (including model number), (ii) the device profile assigned to your device (go to the Media Devices dialog to see this), and (iii) the FFmpeg information on the MKV file that you streamed (right-click on the file in Mezzmo and click 'Get FFmpeg Information').

    Mezzmo Android: Install it on your tablet, smartphone, Android TV or Amazon Fire to browse and stream files from your Mezzmo library to all your devices. Full details at
    Mezzmo for Kodi Add-on: Install it into Kodi to stream files from your Mezzmo library directly in Kodi. Full details at
    Mezzmo for Roku App: Install it onto your Roku to stream files from your Mezzmo library. Full details at
    Wiki: User Guides & Reference Manual at

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Default Same here

    Quote Originally Posted by fcosenti View Post

    before purchasing Mezzmo, I did extensive testing with 2.5 to assure that my devices were working fine with it. Amongst various files, I used in particular a 11 Gbytes MKV movie file (1080p). Now, with 2.5, playback with realtime transcoding was always very smooth. In 2.6.2, it skips frames like there is no tomorrow. It looks like all these 1080p large files started skipping.
    Note that I have a Core i7-860 overclocked at 4 GHz (I increased overclocking to test, before I was running at 3.7), with 8 Gbytes of ram and Windows 7 64 bits. All devices are connected to Gigabit network - the MKV file is located on a NAS device on the network as well (QNAP TS-239 PRO II - about 95 Mbytes/sec sustained).

    Has anyone else experienced issues with 2.6.2 being much slower than 2.5 in realtime transcoding?
    I have a similar setup to you and experience the same problems with 2.6.2. ATM trying to sort it with support. pre-transcoding a file does help but not for every file.

    In my logs were also mezzmo complaining about some blocked ports. Which is sorted now. But still investigation the route cause of on the fly transcoding performance.

  4. #4


    Paul, you already had a look at my logs, and your answer has been "The frame rate on the transcoding looks like it is too slow for realtime transcoding of the movie, can you please try pre-transcoding the file to see if the stutter occurs?".

    Now, pre-transcoding doesn't help - I only purchased Mezzmo for its real-time transcoding feature. I have a Terabyte of movies, and all new ones are 1080p - transcoding must be fast enough for these, the pre-transcoding function is truly useless for me.

  5. #5


    This is the FFMpeg info output of the specific file:

    ffmpeg version N-40693-gc457a29 Copyright (c) 2000-2012 the FFmpeg developers
    built on May 15 2012 12:57:14 with gcc 4.6.2
    configuration: --enable-memalign-hack --arch=x86 --target-os=mingw32 --cross-prefix=i686-w64-mingw32- --enable-static --disable-shared --enable-zlib --disable-postproc --prefix=/home/peter/ffmpeg/build/gpl --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libx264 --enable-gpl --extra-libs='-lx264 -lpthread' --enable-runtime-cpudetect --extra-cflags=-I/home/peter/cc/include --extra-ldflags=-L/home/peter/cc/lib --pkg-config=pkg-config --disable-w32threads
    libavutil 51. 51.100 / 51. 51.100
    libavcodec 54. 21.101 / 54. 21.101
    libavformat 54. 5.100 / 54. 5.100
    libavdevice 53. 4.100 / 53. 4.100
    libavfilter 2. 73.100 / 2. 73.100
    libswscale 2. 1.100 / 2. 1.100
    libswresample 0. 11.100 / 0. 11.100
    Input #0, matroska,webm, from '\\\Multimedia\Movies\Sci-Fi\Avatar.mkv':
    Duration: 02:41:41.65, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 9674 kb/s
    Chapter #0.0: start 0.000000, end 377.961000
    title : 00:00:00.000
    Chapter #0.1: start 377.961000, end 473.598000
    title : 00:06:17.961
    Chapter #0.2: start 473.598000, end 724.891000
    title : 00:07:53.598
    Chapter #0.3: start 724.891000, end 840.465000
    title : 00:12:04.891
    Chapter #0.4: start 840.465000, end 1200.574000
    title : 00:14:00.465
    Chapter #0.5: start 1200.574000, end 1440.230000
    title : 00:20:00.574
    Chapter #0.6: start 1440.230000, end 1613.278000
    title : 00:24:00.230
    Chapter #0.7: start 1613.278000, end 1901.900000
    title : 00:26:53.278
    Chapter #0.8: start 1901.900000, end 2013.428000
    title : 00:31:41.900
    Chapter #0.9: start 2013.428000, end 2143.850000
    title : 00:33:33.428
    Chapter #0.10: start 2143.850000, end 2611.859000
    title : 00:35:43.850
    Chapter #0.11: start 2611.859000, end 2963.627000
    title : 00:43:31.859
    Chapter #0.12: start 2963.627000, end 3269.975000
    title : 00:49:23.627
    Chapter #0.13: start 3269.975000, end 3596.051000
    title : 00:54:29.975
    Chapter #0.14: start 3596.051000, end 3910.198000
    title : 00:59:56.051
    Chapter #0.15: start 3910.198000, end 4296.417000
    title : 01:05:10.198
    Chapter #0.16: start 4296.417000, end 4511.006000
    title : 01:11:36.417
    Chapter #0.17: start 4511.006000, end 4829.116000
    title : 01:15:11.006
    Chapter #0.18: start 4829.116000, end 5081.910000
    title : 01:20:29.116
    Chapter #0.19: start 5081.910000, end 5764.801000
    title : 01:24:41.910
    Chapter #0.20: start 5764.801000, end 5875.786000
    title : 01:36:04.801
    Chapter #0.21: start 5875.786000, end 6273.100000
    title : 01:37:55.786
    Chapter #0.22: start 6273.100000, end 6495.489000
    title : 01:44:33.100
    Chapter #0.23: start 6495.489000, end 6833.868000
    title : 01:48:15.489
    Chapter #0.24: start 6833.868000, end 6932.884000
    title : 01:53:53.868
    Chapter #0.25: start 6932.884000, end 7118.820000
    title : 01:55:32.884
    Chapter #0.26: start 7118.820000, end 7325.568000
    title : 01:58:38.820
    Chapter #0.27: start 7325.568000, end 7533.859000
    title : 02:02:05.568
    Chapter #0.28: start 7533.859000, end 7801.835000
    title : 02:05:33.859
    Chapter #0.29: start 7801.835000, end 8167.284000
    title : 02:10:01.835
    Chapter #0.30: start 8167.284000, end 8390.841000
    title : 02:16:07.284
    Chapter #0.31: start 8390.841000, end 8750.325000
    title : 02:19:50.841
    Chapter #0.32: start 8750.325000, end 9074.065000
    title : 02:25:50.325
    Chapter #0.33: start 9074.065000, end 9305.296000
    title : 02:31:14.065
    Chapter #0.34: start 9305.296000, end 9701.651000
    title : 02:35:05.296
    Stream #0:0(eng): Video: h264 (High), yuv420p, 1920x1080, SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9, 23.98 fps, 23.98 tbr, 1k tbn, 47.95 tbc (default)
    Stream #0:1(eng): Audio: dts (DTS), 48000 Hz, 5.1(side), s16, 1536 kb/s (default)
    title : English DTS 1509kbps
    Stream #0:2(eng): Subtitle: text (forced)
    title : English
    Stream #0:3(eng): Subtitle: text
    title : English
    At least one output file must be specified

    ---> DB Level Info: 41, 100
    ---> Frame rate: 23.98
    ---> Aspect ratio: 16:9

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Melbourne, Australia


    When the above file is transcoding on-the-fly, what transcoding framerate (fps) are you getting? Stream the file to your TV and go to the Transcoding pane to see this.

    Mezzmo Android: Install it on your tablet, smartphone, Android TV or Amazon Fire to browse and stream files from your Mezzmo library to all your devices. Full details at
    Mezzmo for Kodi Add-on: Install it into Kodi to stream files from your Mezzmo library directly in Kodi. Full details at
    Mezzmo for Roku App: Install it onto your Roku to stream files from your Mezzmo library. Full details at
    Wiki: User Guides & Reference Manual at

  7. #7


    Just looking it now, it starts at 107 FPS, the drops at 98. When the entire thing starts freezing and skipping frames, it is 95 FPS. So definitely something else. This on the Toshiba Regza that we troubleshoot earlier (we had to use 2.5 device profile to get good video quality). I have another interesting video for you:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Conceiva\Mezzmo\ffmpeg.exe -i "\\\Multimedia\Movies\Sci-Fi\The X Files I Want to Believe.avi" -y -c:v mpeg2video -b:v 19000000 -g 45 -filter:v "yadif, scale=660:280, pad=688:384:14:52:black" -c:a ac3_fixed -ac 2 -ab 448000 -ar 48000 -sn -f mpegts -threads 4 -pix_fmt yuv420p -copyinkf -sc_threshold 1000000000 -coder ac -qmin 1 -cmp 2 -subcmp 2 -flags +loop -mbd bits -bsf h264_mp4toannexb -fflags +genpts+ignidx+igndts -deinterlace "C:\Users\ferdinando\AppData\Local\Conceiva\Mezzmo \TranscodingFiles\D57A2940-DD08-4aba-B1AC-4165952F00CF\Video\2184-mpegts-mpeg2video-ac3.mzt"

    ffmpeg version N-40693-gc457a29 Copyright (c) 2000-2012 the FFmpeg developers
    built on May 15 2012 12:57:14 with gcc 4.6.2
    configuration: --enable-memalign-hack --arch=x86 --target-os=mingw32 --cross-prefix=i686-w64-mingw32- --enable-static --disable-shared --enable-zlib --disable-postproc --prefix=/home/peter/ffmpeg/build/gpl --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libx264 --enable-gpl --extra-libs='-lx264 -lpthread' --enable-runtime-cpudetect --extra-cflags=-I/home/peter/cc/include --extra-ldflags=-L/home/peter/cc/lib --pkg-config=pkg-config --disable-w32threads
    libavutil 51. 51.100 / 51. 51.100
    libavcodec 54. 21.101 / 54. 21.101
    libavformat 54. 5.100 / 54. 5.100
    libavdevice 53. 4.100 / 53. 4.100
    libavfilter 2. 73.100 / 2. 73.100
    libswscale 2. 1.100 / 2. 1.100
    libswresample 0. 11.100 / 0. 11.100
    [mpeg4 @ 01e79bc0] Invalid and inefficient vfw-avi packed B frames detected
    Input #0, avi, from '\\\Multimedia\Movies\Sci-Fi\The X Files I Want to Believe.avi':
    encoder : VirtualDubMod (build 2178/release)
    Duration: 01:43:34.32, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 948 kb/s
    Stream #0:0: Video: mpeg4 (Advanced Simple Profile) (XVID / 0x44495658), yuv420p, 660x280 [SAR 1:1 DAR 33:14], 25 tbr, 25 tbn, 25 tbc
    Stream #0:1: Audio: mp3 (U[0][0][0] / 0x0055), 44100 Hz, stereo, s16, 128 kb/s
    -deinterlace is deprecated, use -filter:v yadif instead
    [buffer @ 01e8f3c0] w:660 h:280 pixfmt:yuv420p tb:1/1000000 sar:1/1 sws_param:flags=2
    [buffersink @ 01e8e5c0] No opaque field provided
    [yadif @ 01e718c0] mode:0 parity:-1 auto_enable:0
    [scale @ 01e71860] w:660 h:280 fmt:yuv420p sar:1/1 -> w:660 h:280 fmt:yuv420p sar:1/1 flags:0x4
    [pad @ 01e893c0] w:660 h:280 -> w:688 h:384 x:14 y:52 color:0x000000FF
    [ac3_fixed @ 01e6ca80] channel_layout not specified
    [ac3_fixed @ 01e6ca80] No channel layout specified. The encoder will guess the layout, but it might be incorrect.
    [mpegts @ 01e6c280] muxrate VBR, pcr every 2 pkts, sdt every 200, pat/pmt every 40 pkts
    Output #0, mpegts, to 'C:\Users\ferdinando\AppData\Local\Conceiva\Mezzmo \TranscodingFiles\D57A2940-DD08-4aba-B1AC-4165952F00CF\Video\2184-mpegts-mpeg2video-ac3.mzt':
    encoder : Lavf54.5.100
    Stream #0:0: Video: mpeg2video (hq), yuv420p, 688x384 [SAR 1:1 DAR 43:24], q=1-31, 19000 kb/s, 90k tbn, 25 tbc
    Stream #0:1: Audio: ac3, 48000 Hz, stereo, s16, 448 kb/s
    Stream mapping:
    Stream #0:0 -> #0:0 (mpeg4 -> mpeg2video)
    Stream #0:1 -> #0:1 (mp3 -> ac3_fixed)
    Press [q] to stop, [?] for help
    [mpeg4 @ 025ffcc0] Invalid and inefficient vfw-avi packed B frames detected
    frame= 207 fps=0.0 q=2.0 size= 2917kB time=00:00:08.20 bitrate=2914.1kbits/s dup=1 drop=0
    frame= 375 fps=359 q=2.0 size= 5191kB time=00:00:14.92 bitrate=2850.4kbits/s dup=1 drop=0
    frame= 558 fps=358 q=2.0 size= 6375kB time=00:00:22.24 bitrate=2348.2kbits/s dup=1 drop=0
    frame= 861 fps=415 q=2.0 size= 7343kB time=00:00:34.36 bitrate=1750.7kbits/s dup=1 drop=0

    <MEZZMO>: Child process ended with code: 109

    This second one causes the program to freeze - I have to stop/start server to recover. But we should troubleshoot one thing at a time.

  8. #8


    Just tried 2.6.3 - same skipping of frames in 1080p videos. The video plays fine for a while then it starts skipping.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2011


    Just a though, you said you are doing this to a NAS drive over the network. You stated it had about a 95M transfer rate.
    Have you located you trans-coded filed directory there also or are they on an internal HHD in the PC.? If in the PC, what is its HHD transfer rate.

    You have very High bit rates for the Video and the Audio. How many meg dose one frame take and then add in the Audio, then times it by 95 frames a second and can the NAS or HHD keep up with that rate.

    Do you have a faster HHD in the PC you could try reading and writing to instead of the NAS for a test.
    Also with these very large files i assume you defrag often. You could look at the resource monitor in Win7 to see what HHD or network bandwidth is being used and look for a bottleneck.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Melbourne, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by fcosenti View Post
    Just tried 2.6.3 - same skipping of frames in 1080p videos. The video plays fine for a while then it starts skipping.
    It may be that the video bitrate may be too high for the TV and the TV's firmware is struggling to play the file. When this happens, you can often get stuttering. Contact us at support [at] conceiva [dot] com and we'll provide an update profile that delivers a reduced bitrate. That will allow us to confirm whether the video bitrate is causing the problem.

    Mezzmo Android: Install it on your tablet, smartphone, Android TV or Amazon Fire to browse and stream files from your Mezzmo library to all your devices. Full details at
    Mezzmo for Kodi Add-on: Install it into Kodi to stream files from your Mezzmo library directly in Kodi. Full details at
    Mezzmo for Roku App: Install it onto your Roku to stream files from your Mezzmo library. Full details at
    Wiki: User Guides & Reference Manual at

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