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Thread: Add Folder to library - two folder limit?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Default Add Folder to library - two folder limit?

    This is weird. Forever I've only used Add Folder to library since my videos are organized by folder. I've had two folders until today when I added a 3rd. The add went as expected. Scanned all sub-folders and processed the contents. On my Google TV client, only 5 folders are shown. Music, Videos, Photos, Folder 1, Folder 2. No Folder 3. The contents of Folder 3 ARE in the library though because examining the preset Video-File Type-Recently Added shows some of the videos from Folder 3.
    Last edited by fletch; 05-21-2015 at 02:30 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    there is a bug in where new items may not be visible, try restarting your Mezzmo media server to see if the folder becomes visible on the device.

    Mezzmo Android: Install it on your tablet, smartphone, Android TV or Amazon Fire to browse and stream files from your Mezzmo library to all your devices. Full details at
    Mezzmo for Kodi Add-on: Install it into Kodi to stream files from your Mezzmo library directly in Kodi. Full details at
    Mezzmo for Roku App: Install it onto your Roku to stream files from your Mezzmo library. Full details at
    Wiki: User Guides & Reference Manual at

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    Seems like I'm using Mezzmo in a way that's not often used/tested.

    Thought I may have some corruption so I reset the database first. Now I understand why I "thought" I had some corruption. It all revolves around the preset Music/Video/Photo playlist.

    While starting from scratch, first thing I did was delete the Music playlist since it's not relevant on this server. Back at the Google TV, I see (like originally) Music/Video/Photo/Folder1/Folder2. No Folder3 and remember, I REMOVED the Music playlist. But it's still there

    Here's where it gets interesting. INSIDE the non-existent Music playlist, there's everything under Library: Videos/Photos/Folder1/Folder2/Folder3.

    To reproduce, just try and add 3 folders to a new database.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    More weirdness.

    Noticed this morning - on a separate Google TV - that the folders displayed DO match that in the Mezzmo library. Video/Photo/Folder1/Folder2/Folder3.

    Still not right on the other one though, pretty sure the firmware/software is the same - will double check and cold boot it.

    Oddly, Mezzmo changed the Device Name and Device Profile for the Google TV I set up last night. I had started from scratch after the reset and I chose Google TV when the device was detected. This morning, the device is now showing Sony STR(2013). So I changed it back to Google TV, we'll see what happens. I had briefly enabled 'allow all new' this morning to get the other Google box in the list. That's when I noticed the device name change.

    What's a Sony STR?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Melbourne, Australia


    A Sony STR is Sony's range of AV receiver products. Mezzmo should not be changing your device profile, so we'd like to see a set of logs when this occurs.

    Also, we'd like to see a set of logs when you reproduce the Folder3 issue. We tried it here and it worked fine for us.

    To create a set of logs, turn on logging in Mezzmo (see and restart your Mezzmo server. Reproduce the 2 issues and then stop your Mezzmo server and exit Mezzmo. Zip up all the logs and email them to us at support [at] conceiva [dot] com (or upload them to a filesharing site like Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive,, etc. and email us the download link).

    Mezzmo Android: Install it on your tablet, smartphone, Android TV or Amazon Fire to browse and stream files from your Mezzmo library to all your devices. Full details at
    Mezzmo for Kodi Add-on: Install it into Kodi to stream files from your Mezzmo library directly in Kodi. Full details at
    Mezzmo for Roku App: Install it onto your Roku to stream files from your Mezzmo library. Full details at
    Wiki: User Guides & Reference Manual at

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    I changed them back to Google TV and will check each day for a while and see if they change. I'm thinking the re-assignment 'might' have come the next morning when I opened it up for access and turned on the other devices to get them registered. Still interesting that it would pick STR when it's a Google TV.

    The Folder3 issue is apparently a problem with ONE of my Google TV boxes. The other box is running the same firmware and same version of the Media Player - it displays all folders exactly as they are configured in Mezzmo. Almost seems like the problematic box has cached something and won't let go.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Melbourne, Australia


    A set of logs will help us fix the auto-detect issue with your Google TV being assigned the Sony STR device profile.

    It may be possible that the app on your Google TV is caching the directory structure of Mezzmo server. It's a real bad idea though (as you have found out!) since the folders, playlists and files change all the time. Perhaps try restarting the app or uninstalling/installing the app again on your Google TV.

    Mezzmo Android: Install it on your tablet, smartphone, Android TV or Amazon Fire to browse and stream files from your Mezzmo library to all your devices. Full details at
    Mezzmo for Kodi Add-on: Install it into Kodi to stream files from your Mezzmo library directly in Kodi. Full details at
    Mezzmo for Roku App: Install it onto your Roku to stream files from your Mezzmo library. Full details at
    Wiki: User Guides & Reference Manual at

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    Well, being assigned the wrong profile isn't such a big problem - I usually just pick the right one and it works forever. I'll keep an eye on it.

    Noticed tonight my oldest Samsung can't find my 'current version' Mezzmo but it still see's the 2.5 version. That old version is running on old hardware and it's been years since it caused ANY problem at all - so I leave it as is. My Google boxes can handle most any video thrown at them so I don't even need transcoding on this old box.

    I'll try rebooting the problematic Google TV - then forcefully killing the Media Player app if that doesn't work. I use this box mostly with the Mezzmo 2.5 server. Top level folders have not changed for a long time there. Beneath that though, it changes frequently and the Google box has never failed to render the correct folder structure with that server. Thumbnails might not show up until the scheduled refresh but any new files/folders appear right away.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    The old Samsung was able to find the new Mezzmo this morning - I guess a power cycle works better than the "refresh" button on their menu.

    Tried everything with the Media Player app on the problematic Google TV box - short of "deleting" it. Cold booted, killed app, cleared cache. Was afraid to try the delete because they used the word "permanent" in the warning and I have no idea how to re-install it if it went away. But, I can still watch everything, I just have to remember to drill into the Music playlist in order to see the actual playlists that are on the server

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Melbourne, Australia


    Hi fletch,

    If you capture a set of logs in Mezzmo when browsing your problematic Google TV box, we'll see what happening when you navigate into Music to see your actual playlists. Email the logs to us at support [at] conceiva [dot] com.

    Mezzmo Android: Install it on your tablet, smartphone, Android TV or Amazon Fire to browse and stream files from your Mezzmo library to all your devices. Full details at
    Mezzmo for Kodi Add-on: Install it into Kodi to stream files from your Mezzmo library directly in Kodi. Full details at
    Mezzmo for Roku App: Install it onto your Roku to stream files from your Mezzmo library. Full details at
    Wiki: User Guides & Reference Manual at

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